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Asher Evans

Dragon Ball Kai Episode 9

This is a list of Dragon Ball Z Kai episodes. For a list of Dragon Ball Z episodes, see the list of Dragon Ball Z episodes. For a list of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball GT episodes, see the list of Dragon Ball episodes and the list of Dragon Ball GT episodes. For a list of Dragon Ball Super episodes, see list of Dragon Ball Super episodes. For a list of Super Dragon Ball Heroes episodes, see list of Super Dragon Ball Heroes episodes.

Dragon Ball Kai Episode 9

Kai features remastered high definition picture, sound, and special effects as well as a re-recorded voice track by most of the original cast.[4] As most of the series' sketches and animation cels had been discarded since the final episode of Dragon Ball Z in 1996, new frames were produced by digitally tracing over still frames from existing footage and filling them with softer colors.[5][6] This reduced visible damage to the original animation. To convert the 4:3 animation to 16:9 widescreen, some shots were selectively cropped while others feature new hand drawn portions; an uncropped 4:3 version was made available on home video and international releases for the first 98 episodes. Some countries would also air it in 4:3. Much of the anime-exclusive material that was not featured in the original manga was cut from Kai (ultimately abridging the 291 episodes of Dragon Ball Z down to 167).[6]

The series would return in 2014, running for an additional 61 episodes in Japan, and 69 episodes internationally.[3] The international version of the 2014 series was titled Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters by Toei Europe and Funimation,[7] and had initially only been earmarked for broadcast outside of Japan.[8] The home media releases of The Final Chapters contain a Japanese audio track for all episodes, including those that were never broadcast in Japan.[9]

The first Blu-ray and DVD compilation was released in Japan on September 18, 2009.[10][11] Individual volumes and Blu-ray box sets were released monthly.[12] France was the first country to release all 167 episodes on Blu-ray and DVD.[13]

Nappa and Vegeta has arrived on Earth. Nappa blew up a city as his way of saying hi. As the Saiyajins search for the strongest power on the planet, they have found Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan. Since Piccolo and the others are not considered as a threat at all, Vegeta ordered Nappa to plant some Saibaimen to fight instead. Each Saibaiman according to Nappa, is about as strong as Raditz. After Tenshinhan and the others arrive, Vegeta suggests that they should fight the Saibaimen 1 on 1 for fun. Tenshinhan fought first, and won without breaking a sweat. The Yamcha decides to act cool as well, and fights the Saibaimen. He won the fight, but he lets his guard down and the Saibaiman blew itself up and killed Yamcha. The episode ends with Krillin being all pissed off and ready to kick some ass.

Dragon Ball Kai has only 2 filler episodes, which makes it have only 1% of filler. The entirety of Dragon Ball GT is filler. Finally, Dragon Ball Super has only 14 filler episodes, and 11% of the series is filler.

Some of the emotions conveyed in Dragon Ball can be overwhelming. Watching these characters' endeavors episode by episode and seeing what they amount to can create surprisingly profound and evocative scenes. Moments like these are enough to bring about physical reactions from anyone watching. Here are some of the scenes throughout Dragon Ball that have left fans with tears in their eyes.

Fans were expecting Universes 2 and 6 to lose the Tournament of power, but nobody could have predicted how bittersweet it would feel to see them go. The episode features Team Universe 7 finishing off the last fighters of the two universes. When Team Universe 2 loses, they're not necessarily sad about it. They bid farewell to everyone cheering them on in their universe and smile to the very end. The fact that this universe's inhabitants are actually shown to the audience makes their erasure feel all the more real. They depart with respectable dignity and grace.

Dragonball Kai ist eine "aufgefrischte" Version der alten Dragonball Z-Folgen, die am 5. April 2009 um 9:00 auf dem japanischen Fernsehsender Fuji TV ihre Premiere feierte. Zu den Änderungen der als "Akira Toriyama Original Cut" beworbenen Serie gehören der Wegfall der meisten Filler-Szenen, neu aufgenommene Dialoge, neue Musik, erneuerte Sound-Effekte und neue digitale Effekte. Die Handlung der Neufassung beginnt mit Inhalten aus dem Fernsehspecial, das in Deutschland auf DVD unter dem Titel "Das Bardock Special" erschien. Es zeigt die Vorgeschichte um die Vernichtung der Saiyajin durch Freezer und enthält zur Einleitung auch Footages aus der ersten Fernsehserie, ehe die eigentliche Handlung zum gleichen Zeitpunkt wie im Original einsetzt.

A new season may be added only after the completion of the previous season, and after the new season has been announced. Once you create a new season you'll have 4 hours to add the first episode, or the season may be automatically removed.

Dragon Ball Z was an anime series that ran from 1989 to 1996. In total 291 episodes of Dragon Ball Z were aired. With a total of 38 reported filler episodes, Dragon Ball Z has a low filler percentage of 13%.

Dragon Ball Kai includes a complete re-recording of the dialog by most of the original Japanese voice cast, as well as completely new sound design with updated sound effects. The opening and ending themes are completely new. Takayoshi Tanimoto performs the series' new opening and closing themes, "Dragon Soul" and "Yeah! Break! Care! Break!". This new opening and closing credits have newly animated appearances by most of the main cast, as well as for the villains, such as Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Frieza, Zarbon, Dodoria, and the Ginyu Force. There's also a new artwork clip after every intermission, such as one of Cui and Vegeta in episode 19. Unlike the original Dragon Ball Z, which only had 2 sets of eye-catchers for the entire series, in Kai it changes every few episodes to feature an appropriate character ensemble/situation.

The Garlic Jr. Saga does not air in Dragon Ball Kai. Originally lasting from episodes 108 to 117, the saga featured the return of Garlic Jr., the main villain from the first DBZ movie. The saga was completely filler and Garlic Jr. or any of his henchmen did not appear in the original manga. Because Kai stays truer to the manga, this saga has been completely cut out.

Dragon Ball Kai used a new background musical score by Kenji Yamamoto, composer of the Dragon Ball video games. His score was used regularly for all releases of episodes 1-95, however he was given a layoff notice from Toei Animation after it was discovered that he was infringing his music off of other artists and eventually resigned. The last few episodes of Dragon Ball Kai, as well as Japanese reruns of past episodes, made use of music recycled from Dragon Ball Z by Shunsuke Kikuchi (although the Dragon Ball Kai theme songs remained intact), however the placing of the music differed from the original series.

The American broadcast of Dragon Ball Z Kai was affected as well. The 5th American DVD/Blu-Ray volume was delayed twice, due to FUNimation replacing Yamamoto's score with the original Dragon Ball Z background score for the remainder of the English release of Dragon Ball Z Kai, for the DVDs/Blu-Rays (all episodes) and the TV Version (all episodes).

The series is edited on Nicktoons to fit the intended audience, and occasionally contains different verbiage than the home release, which is entirely unedited. Some character attacks regain their correct and untranslated-proper-noun announcements in the unedited dub (i.e. "Makankōsappō" instead of Special Beam Cannon, "Kienzan" instead of Destructo Disk, etc), although some of the official English names for the attacks are retained for the broadcast version. Most other names used in the English dub remain the same (i.e. Krillin and Tien Shinhan instead of "Kuririn" and "Tenshinhan"). Less liberty is taken with the script, and episode titles are mostly literal translations of their original Japanese versions. Nicktoons' broadcast originally used Kenji Yamamoto's musical score, however it changed to Shunsuke Kikkuichi's cues after the music plagerism incident (see "Music" above). The opening theme was retained, although shortened to allow time for more commercials. The broadcast uses Vic Mignogna's version of the theme song for the full run, even though his complete version was only used for Episodes 27 - 39 on the official home video release. The ending theme is usually cut, and the credits are shown in split screen, although a shorter version of the ending has been used on occasion.

The Toonzai kids block on The CW also broadcasts FUNimation's English dub of Dragon Ball Z Kai. Their broadcast contains most of the edits of the Nicktoons version, as well as extra editing to fit the stricter broadcast standards. The broadcast has been notorious for it's questionable editing practices such as erasing Shenron from the opening credits in some episodes, colorizing Mr. Popo blue, changing halos into shining spheres, adding sparkles to Chiaotzu's fatal explosion, drawing an eye over Gohan's swollen face, and replacing dialogue considered objectionable with sound-a-like voices. Like the Nicktoons' broadcast, the Toonzai broadcast featured the Kenji Yamamoto score before being replaced with Shunsuke Kikuchi score. Aside from the Shenron edit, the opening and closing also remain the same as the Nicktoons broadcast.

Toei Animation stated that the Dragon Ball Kai episodes would be edited to more closely follow Akira Toriyama's original story in the manga, resulting in a faster moving story, and to remove any damaged frames.[7] Dragon Ball Kai minimize the filler material produced for Dragon Ball Z's original production run. On the broadcast episodes, only a few minutes of filler material with no impact to the story have been left in (like Gregory's appearance at King Kai's planet, who wasn't present in the manga), probably to help the chapter reach its full 20 min. 041b061a72


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